SonicOS 7 NSv Getting Started Guide for AWS

Introducing the NSv Series

This SonicWall® SonicOS 7 NSv Getting Started Guide describes how to install SonicWall NSv and provides basic configuration information.

The basic configuration information is provided for standard AWS cloud servers and on AWS government cloud servers.

To deploy an NSv running SonicOS 6.5.4.v, refer to Deploying Previous Versions Of NSv On AWS and the NSv 6.5.4 Getting Started Guide.

To jump directly to the installation instructions, go to Installing SonicOS on the NSv Series.

You might choose to operate NSv on a “pay-as-you-go” basis (PAYG) or on a fixed fee per period basis - “bring your own license” (BYOL). This choice is made as you initiate subscription in the AWS Marketplace. Regardless of the pricing model choice, you can go to Installing SonicOS on the NSv Series to start. Separate instructions for different pricing models are given in Licensing and Registering Your NSv.

The SonicWall® NSv is SonicWall’s virtualized next-generation firewall appliance that provides Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) security and segmentation in virtual environments. With some platform specific differences, SonicOS 7 running on the NSv offers the same feature functionality and security features of a physical appliance, with comparable performance. SonicOS Virtual is a fully featured 64-bit SonicOS 7 powered by SonicCore.

SonicWall® NSv series firewalls support both Classic mode and Policy mode. Selection of or changing between Classic and Policy modes is supported on NSv series from SonicOS 7.0.1 pnwards. For more information on supported or unsupported feature list refer to the Feature Support Information section and changing between Classic and Policy modes is supported on NSv series refer to the About SonicOS 7 for the TZ, NSa, NSv, and NSsp Series Features Specific to NSv guide in

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