Protección de los datos Azure: responsabilidad compartida, enfocada en la defensa del perímetro en la nube.

Lo primero que se aprende al migrar a Azure es que la seguridad se aborda a través del modelo de responsabilidad compartida de Microsoft. Sí, puede haber muchos sistemas internos de seguridad, pero en Azure los datos son más vulnerables cuando se entra o se sale, así que es verdaderamente necesario centrarse en mantener un perímetro sólido en la nube mediante firewalls de nueva generación y estrategias de alta disponibilidad. Aprenda sobre las configuraciones de equilibrado de carga, los mecanismos de reconexión y cómo puede contribuir a proteger sus entornos Azure frente a las amenazas emergentes.

Quando o assunto é a segurança de dados e redes, “muito” nunca é suficiente. Elimine a complacência e aprenda ótimas estratégias para garantir a segurança no futuro. Nesta sessão imprescindível, vamos explorar as melhores práticas da SonicWall, conduzindo suas próprias auditorias e avaliações com a frequência necessária. Aprenda a identificar suas vulnerabilidades muito antes que elas se tornem incidentes. Impulsione a melhoria constante da sua estratégia de segurança e desenvolva suas defesas contra as ameaças em franca evolução.

Asegure su computación en la nube con Security Service Edge (SSE) centrado en dispositivos.
La superficie susceptible de recibir amenazas ha aumentado espectacularmente, debido a que los usuarios trabajan desde cualquier parte. Acompáñenos a explorar qué ventajas tienen las estrategias de Security Service Edge (SSE) para controlar y asegurar entornos informáticos como el suyo. Necesita reforzar su fortaleza digital virtual. Por ello, los expertos de SonicWall y de Banyan —nuestra última adquisición— , están dispuestos a compartir las estrategias más innovadoras que hoy tiene a su disposición. Su recorrido por el futuro de la protección en la nube debe comenzar aquí.

En cuando a la seguridad de datos y red, «demasiado» nunca es suficiente. Elimine la complacencia y aprenda fantásticas estrategias para garantizar su seguridad en el futuro. En esta esencial sesión, exploramos las mejores prácticas de SonicWall para que realice frecuentemente sus propias auditorías y evaluaciones. Aprenda a encontrar las vulnerabilidades mucho antes de que se conviertan en incidentes. Impulse una mejora continua de su estrategia de seguridad y desarrolle su defensa frente a las amenazas dinámicas.

In this up-and-coming June session, we are looking to provide you with a use case that we have seen work well in customer environments that come up regularly, sharing a short best practices demo. In addition, we will talk about what is in our current NSM beta that we expect to be released soon.

And if you are a GMS customer or partner, looking to start your transition to the latest management platform, please join us.

SonicWall’s feature-rich switches answer the challenge. Let’s take a closerlook, together with our SE team during the May Cafe Tech session, at how theycan help you or your customers keep pace, securely:

• Models & Accessories Overview
• Basic Possible Architectures
• Management Options
• Main Switch Features
• RoadMap and Switches Comparison
• Demo Switch & Wireless Network Manager
• Save Up to 35%
• Q&A with SonicWall’s SE Team

In a world of uncertainty and constantly evolving threats, both customers and partners need a vendor that can provide an on-demand, flexible security services platform that only charges customers for the services they actually use.

The SonicWall NSsp series are high-speed next-generation Gen7 firewalls that utilize a scalable hardware architecture for enterprises, government agencies, large universities, MSPs and really any organization in need of high-performance reassembly free deep packet inspection for threats and policy enforcement. Today, we have 4 NSsp firewall models, the 10700, 11700, 13700 and our flagship 15700.

We have a great price performance proposition for those customers looking for value and customers looking for great partnership and team. In this series we will be sharing our positioning of the NSsp firewalls, why we win, and a demo to get you started. If you find the session useful and aligned to your refresh project with SonicWall or non-SonicWall, you can book a follow-up meeting with one of our elite solution engineers. Join us!

Get the Stories Behind the 2023 SonicWall Cyber Threat Report from the author!

The data from the mid-year update to the 2023 SonicWall Cyber Threat Report is in:
Ransomware is down, cryptojacking soars and global hotspots are shifting. But why? And what does this mean for the future of the threat landscape?
Join our Threat Report expert and author as he explores:
• The top cybercrime trends from the first half of 2023
• Which industries and locations were hit hardest (and where it’s getting worse)
• Why the forces behind threat reversals and accelerations may not be what you think

In our recent events, partners and customers shared why they win with SonicWall and ask how can they provide their own personal reference in the Gartner Peer Insights for others. We would like to invite both customers and partners to attend this session, where we will be sharing how you can register your experience and provide an open Q&A section if you need a follow-up 1-1 meeting for your refresh or net new cyber projects. Looking forward to seeing you in November, just select the local language of your region to join.