Secure Mobile Access 100 10.2 User Guide

Downloading and Installation

After you enter your login credentials in the login page and click LOGIN, you see the following prompt when the administrator has enabled the EPC check for your user account.

After you enter your login credentials in the login page and click LOGIN, you see the below prompt if the administrator has enabled Enforce Device Register under Device Management settings for your user account.

On the Portal page, the download and install notification displays when the user attempts to launch Net-Extender, RDP Bookmark (Native), or Citrix Bookmark (Native):

  • Download – Click Download to download and install SMA Connect Agent. After that, you can click Installed to tell the browser to 'remember' that the SMA Connect Agent has been installed, or click Continue just to bypass the page and log in to the StoreFront.
  • Installed – the notification does not appear again.
  • Continue – closes the notification and continues the action.

After the download is complete, install the SMA Connect Agent. The Windows installer is SMAConnectAgent.msi, the Macintosh installer is SMAConnectAgent.dmg. The Windows installer needs your permission to install, the Macintosh installer guides you to put the SMA Connect Agent in the /Application directory.

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