Network Security Management Administration Guide

Device Inventory

The Inventory page (Manager View | Firewalls > Inventory) provides the inventory and activity status of all the firewalls and appliances managed by the Network Security Manager. Multi-tenant administrators can click on the tenant name and select any other tenant to see the devices associated with the selected tenancy.

To customize columns, click Column Selection and select or clear the options to include or hide the data of the columns. The menu bar above the table shows: All Devices— total number of devices; number of devices that are ONLINE & MANAGED, OFFLINE, ONLINE & UNMANAGED and UNASSIGNED.

A successfully-acquired firewall's management status changes to unmanaged state when the firewall is locally modified. Click Synchronize Firewall to synchronize firewall configuration with NSM so that the management status is set to Managed. See Synchronizing Firewall Configuration with NSM.

There will be a delay while updating the device status if you have not migrated your firewall to Instant Connect. See Zero Touch Status

You can click these icons to list the devices—one category at a time—all the devices, online and managed by NSM, offline, online and unmanaged by NSM, and devices that are not assigned to any group.

The menu bar below the Firewall View lets you to search using the Keyword and Group By from the available options in the drop-down list.

  • Search : Enter the Keyword and the list brings up the desired search results
  • Group By : From the drop-down list, choose the options to No Grouping, Model, Connectivity, Managed Status, Group Name and they are displayed below.
  • Add : The Add icon lets you to Add Device and Import Add Device File. Click Add Device and input Serial number, IP Address, User name and Password. To import device, click Add Device File and choose the files. Only xml,csv and json file types are supported.
  • Delete : Select any device to delete and click this icon.
  • Export : Click this icon to Export Device Inventory data to a .CSV file.
  • Refresh : Refreshes the devices in the list.
  • Grid Settings : This option lets you to Show or Hide Columns, Rearrange using Drag and Drop. You can also restore them to defaults or tick the boxes and click Apply.
  • More Options : There are additional options which enables to

    • Archive Selected Config.

    • Download Add Device JSON files to your local machine.

    • Download Add Device CSV files to your local machine.

    • Migrate Tenant from All Tenants to any specific tenant group.

      This option is available only for All Tenants group.

      To migrate a tenant

      1. Select All Tenants.

      2. Select the firewall you want to migrate.

        Only devices which are not assigned to a group can be migrated.

      3. Click More Options > Migrate Tenant.

      4. Select the Tenant from the drop-down to which you want to migrate.

      5. Click Save.

The Add and Delete options are only available for NSM On-Prem and not for NSM SaaS. For NSM SaaS, the Add and Delete options are available through

NSM On-Prem Interface:

NSM SaaS Interface:

The following information is displayed for each firewall when you click the arrow next to the Firewall name:

  • Management Status
    Details of the Management status, such as: Connectivity, Configuration, Acquired, Zero Touch.
    • Connectivity : Status of connectivity between NSM and firewall
      • Green iconNSM can reach the firewall.
      • Red iconNSM cannot reach the firewall.
    • Configuration
      • Blue icon—Device acquisition was successful and firewall configuration is synchronized with NSM; firewall is in managed state.
      • Red icon—Device acquisition was either successful or unsuccessful; the firewall configuration is not synchronized with NSM as it was modified locally. Therefore, the firewall is in unmanaged state.
        In this state, commits cannot be deployed on to the firewall.

    • Acquired : Displays whether the device is acquired.
    • Zero Touch : Activation status of zero-touch feature or status of zero-touch connection between firewall and NSM for zero-touch enabled device. For detailed information on zero-touch status of a firewall, see Zero Touch Status
  • System Details : Details of the firewall, such as: Model, Serial Number,Friendly Name, Group Name— Device Group, if the firewall belongs to any,Tenant Name—Tenant to which the appliance is registered to, that runs on the firewall, Last Modified By, if the details are modified.
  • License Details : Lists the license details. You need to register the firewall in and activate NSM license to view the information.
  • Analytics and Reporting Status : Provides the details of Flow Management, such as, Remote IP, Firewall Settings, Flow Forwarder, Flow Agent, and AnalyzerNG.
  • Templates and Firmware Versions : The templates applied to the firewall, if any. The firmware version that runs on the firewall.
  • High Availability : Provides information of the High Avaliability mode, Primary and Secondary device.

Using the table as the central location, you can: switch to Firewall View to manage any system listed, for example: edit settings, upgrade software, and so on. For any firewall, click Ellipses icon in the ACTION column and select appropriate option to perform any of the listed actions on the firewall:

  • Access Firewall View: Click Switch to Firewall View to access firewall management interface. For information on how to perform configuration changes to a firewall, see SonicOS documentation.
  • Edit Settings: Click Edit Settings to edit settings of the firewall. For information on editing settings of a firewall, see Editing Device Settings.
  • Synchronize Firewall: A successfully-acquired firewall's management status changes to unmanaged state when the firewall is locally modified. Click Synchronize Firewall to synchronize firewall configuration with NSM so that the management status is set to Managed. See Synchronizing Firewall Configuration with NSM.

    When firewall is in unmanaged stage, commits cannot be deployed on to the firewall.

  • Upgrade Firmware: Click Upgrade Firmware to upgrade firmware on the firewall. For information on upgrading firmware, see Upgrading Firmware.
  • Archive Config : Archives the selected configuration.
  • Audit: Click Audit to access page. To perform audits, see Auditing Configuration Changes.
  • Managing Commits: Click Manage Commits to access page. To manage commits, see Monitoring Commits
  • Scheduled Reports: Click Scheduled Reports to set a schedule to generate PDF reports at regular intervals. For information on creating scheduled reports, see Creating Scheduled Reports.
  • Export to Template : Part of the device configuration to be exported to the Template.
  • Log-in to Unit : This option is a fast and easy way to log into the managed firewall device-level.
  • Delete Firewall : Deletes the selected Firewall.
  • Upload Keyset File : Choose a License File by clicking Browse and click Upload.

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