Switch CLI Reference Guide

CLI Command Modes

The following table format lists the different CLI command modes. Depending on the CLI mode, the prompt will be specific.

Command Mode Access Method Prompt
Privileged EXEC This is the initial mode to start a session <Switch Name>#
Global Configuration The EXEC mode command configure terminal is used to enter the Global Configuration mode. <Switch Name> (config)#
Interface Configuration The Global Configuration mode command interface <interfacetype><interfaceid> is used to enter the Interface configuration mode. <Switch Name> (config-if)#
Interface Range Mode

The Global Configuration mode command interface range

({ <interfacetype><slot/port- port>} {vlan <vlan-id(1- 4094)>- <vlan-id(2-4094)>}) is used to enter the Interface range mode.

<Switch Name> (config-if-range)#
SNTP Configuration The SNTP Configuration mode command sntp is used to enter the SNTP configuration mode. <Switch Name> (config-sntp)#

The Global configuration mode

command vlan vlan-id is used to enter the Config-VLAN mode.

<Switch Name> (config-vlan)#
Line Configuration The Line Configuration mode command line cli is used to enter the Line configuration mode. <Switch Name> (config-line)#
IPV4 ACL Extended Access List Configuration The IPV4 ACL Extended Access List configuration mode command ip access-list extended <name> is used to enter the IPV4 ACL Extended Access List configuration mode. <Switch Name> (config-ext-nacl)#
MAC ACL Extended Access List Configuration The MAC ACL Extended Access List configuration mode command mac access-list extended <name> is used to enter the MAC ACL Extended Access List configuration mode. <Switch Name> (config-ext-macl)#
Policy Map Configuration Mode The Policy Map configuration mode command class-policy <name> is used to enter the Policy Map configuration mode. <Switch Name> (config-qc-ply)#
MSTP Configuration Mode The MSTP Configuration mode command spanning-tree mst configuration is used to enter the MSTP configuration mode. <Switch Name> (config-mst)#

Command Modes Path

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