SonicOSX 7 Monitor Appflow

Top IP Addresses

Using the View drop-down list, select Since Restart, Since Last Reset, or On Schedule.

These selections are defined as:

  • Sessions — Number of sessions/connections initiated/responded
  • Bytes Received — Number of bytes received by the user
  • Bytes Sent — Bytes of data sent by the user

The report provides the following information:

IP Address — The IP address

Percentage of IP Addresses — The frequency of connections/flows involving this IP address as a percentage of the total number of connections/flows for all IP addresses

  • Blocked — Connections/sessions blocked
  • Virus — Number of connections/flows with virus
  • Spyware — Sessions/connections detected with spyware
  • Intrusion — Number of Sessions/connections identified as intrusions
  • Botnet — Sessions/Connections detected as botnet

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