MySonicWall User Guide

Quick Filter

Use the Quick Filter option if you are looking for notifications of any single group or combination of the groups listed below.

Filter Groups
Group Name Description

The TYPE group displays the list of notifications of a specific type. For more details, refer to Notification Types.


The CATEGORY group displays the list of notifications of a specific type of category. For example, Firewall Security, New Software and Firmware.


The DURATION group displays the list of notifications received for a specific time period: for example, 2 hours or 13 days.

To filter data by Quick Filter

  1. Select the filter groups in one of the following ways:

    You can include all three filter groups - TYPE, CATEGORY, DURATION if required.

    • Click the Quick Filter icon and select any single group. Type a search string in the field and click outside the field to add filter.

    • In the Notification Center table, point to description of the required filter group - TYPE or CATEGORY or DURATION and click the Add Filter icon.

  2. Repeat the step 1 to include the remaining Quick Filter groups.
  3. Click the Search icon and type the specific string to reduce the number of notifications being displayed.

    You can use the Search icon either individually or in combination with the Quick Filter groups.

  4. Select the required CATEGORY from the drop-down list next to Search icon.
  5. Click the Refresh icon to filter the data per selected filters.
  6. Click Close (X) of the respective filter group to remove.
  7. Click Close (X) on right side of the active filters row to remove all the active filter groups.

The Notification Center table displays the results for all filter groups if none of the filter groups is selected from the Quick Filter.

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