Capture Client Installation via Command Line Interface or PowerShell
09/03/2024 14 People found this article helpful 480,040 Views
Mass deployment can be done in multiple ways. The following options are recommended depending on the complexity of the network and available tools:
- Using a third party software deployment tool like an RMM
If using a software management tool like Microsoft SCCM, the client can be downloaded and packaged with specific command-line parameters for silent installation on the clients. - Using Microsoft Global Policy Objects (GPO) or Scripts
With the help of Microsoft GPO or with custom PowerShell or bash scripts, the client can also be pushed.
For command line installation run CMD or PowerShell as administrator. Download the MSI file. The Tenant ID or Tenant token (based on client version) need to be as a parameter for installation. You can find both in the "Tenant Settings" section of Management Console. Finally, a location of the installation log is entered last. Logs can be used for debugging failed installations.
- The MSI download happens from the Dashboard.
From CC for Windows & macOS 3.8.0 onwards, you will see "Tenant Token" and options to copy or download. Download is recommended.
- Verify the downloaded files:
- The Tenant ID and Tenant token are available under Management |Tenant Settings.
NOTE: Client installations from version 3.8.0 (Windows & macOS) require "Tenant Token" as input.Please refer to "Tenant Token" section of Capture Client Protecting Assets with Security Policies user guide for more details.
Installation on Endpoints : -Make sure the System Requirements are met.
-Copy the Capture Client .MSI File and Tenant token to a location, make sure files are not Duplicate File that ends with (1).MSI - Run the command line installation parameters in CMD or PowerShell.
- Capture Client Windows Agent version till 3.7.11
CMD format: msiexec /i “msi on filesystem or URL>” /qn /promptrestart TOKENID= /L*V “"
Example Command: msiexec /i "C:\Users\test\Downloads\Capture Client.msi" /qn /promptrestart TOKENID=64539818-5169-4516-97db-292xxxxxxxx /L*V “C:\Users\test\Downloads\CCInstall.log”
PowerShell format: Start-Process -FilePath "$env:systemroot\system32\msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList '/i "msi on filesystem or URL>" /qn /promptrestart TOKENID= /l*v ’
Example Command : Start-Process -FilePath "$env:systemroot\system32\msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList '/i "C:\Users\test\Downloads\Capture Client.msi" /qn /promptrestart TOKENID=64539818-5169-4516-97db-292XXXXXXXX /l*v 'C:\Users\test\Downloads\CCInstall.log'
- Capture Client Windows Agent version 3.8 and above
CMD format : C:\>msiexec /i "Sonicwall Capture Client..msi" tenantToken=<> /qn
ExampleCommand:C:\>msiexec/i"SonicWallCaptureClient.3.8.0.msi"tenantToken=eyJjb25zb2xlVXJsIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9jYy1xYS5lbmcuc29uaWN3YWxsLmNvbSIsInRlbmFudElkIjoiZTkzNGNjMjktOWVlOS00NGRiLTlhZmQtMTk2OadgeZmxxxxxxx= /qn
Alternatively, you can also use this command without passing the Tenant Token parameter, if the Tenant Token is already downloaded on the same location of the client installer.
PowerShell format:Start-Process -FilePath "$env:systemroot\system32\msiexec" -ArgumentList '/i "C:\Users\test\Downloads\Capture Client.msi" tenantToken=XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXxx-XXXXxXXXXXX /qn'
Example Command : Start-Process -FilePath "$env:systemroot\system32\msiexec" -ArgumentList '/i "C:\Users\test\Downloads\ SonicWall Capture Client.3.8.0.msi" tenantToken= eyJjb25zb2xlVXJsIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9jYy1xYS5lbmcuc29uaWN3YWxsLmNvbSIsInRlbmFudElkIjoiZTkzNGNjMjktOWVlOS00NGRiLTlhZmQtMTk2hkhtr2Zmxxxxxxx= /qn'
This is a basic Silent msi installation and you can add arguements according to your requirements. For eg: In the above command “/i” argument is used to install any msi product “/qn” represents → silent installation without the involvement of UI.
Capture Client Agent Migration Steps
- For Windows: SonicWallEnforcementService.exe migrate auth
TIP: AuthorizationPassword can be obtained from the CMC device detail page. - For MacOs:sudo /Library/SonicWall/CaptureClient/SonicWallEnforcementService migrate auth
TIP: AuthorizationPassword can be obtained from the CMC device detail page.
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