How to change the HTTP and HTTPS management ports on UTM Appliances?
09/20/2022 169 People found this article helpful 498,048 Views
How can I change the HTTP and HTTPS management ports on UTM appliances?
Resolution for SonicOS 7.X
This release includes significant user interface changes and many new features that are different from the SonicOS 6.5 and earlier firmware. The below resolution is for customers using SonicOS 7.X firmware.
The SonicWall uses default ports of 80 and 443 for HTTP and HTTPS management. These can be changed by logging into the UTM appliance by using a web browser and under the Device | Settings | Administration | Management page and make sure that new management ports doesn't conflict with any of the ports that the firewall is listening on. Be sure to click Accept at the bottom of the page to make sure the changes are saved.
Resolution for SonicOS 6.5
This release includes significant user interface changes and many new features that are different from the SonicOS 6.2 and earlier firmware. The below resolution is for customers using SonicOS 6.5 firmware.
The SonicWall uses default ports of 80 and 443 for HTTP and HTTPS management. These can be changed by logging into the UTM appliance by using a web browser and under the Manage | System Setup | Appliance | Base Settings page and make sure that new management ports doesn't conflict with any of the ports that the firewall is listening on. Be sure to click Accept at the bottom left of the page to make sure the changes are saved.
NOTE: In case we try to change the Https management port to 1443 , we will get an error as shown below.
The reason for this error is SonicWall uses TCP 1443 for redirecting unauthenticated HTTPS connections into the web server (For ULA), the same can be found on diag page as shown below:
In case we need to use port 1443 for HTTPS management , please change the default internal redirection port to any other value first and then we should be able to use TCP 1443 for HTTPS management.
Resolution for SonicOS 6.2 and Below
The below resolution is for customers using SonicOS 6.2 and earlier firmware. For firewalls that are generation 6 and newer we suggest to upgrade to the latest general release of SonicOS 6.5 firmware.
The SonicWall uses default ports of 80 and 443 for HTTP and HTTPS management. These can be changed by logging into the UTM appliance by using a web browser and under the System | Administration page and make sure that new management ports doesn't conflict with any of the ports that the firewall is listening on. Be sure to click Apply at the top right of the page to make sure the changes are saved.
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