How to access the new NSv on VMware ESXi deployment?
04/16/2021 8 People found this article helpful 476,525 Views
This article depicts the steps involved in configuring and accessing the new NSv appliance deployed on the ESXi server. The NSv appliance can be configured for access using two methods as listed below and any one method can be followed.
- Using the ESXi Remote Console
- Using the NSv Management Console
Using the ESXi Remote Console:
1. Login to the vSphere or vCenter and select respective NSv instance in the left pane.
2. Do one of the following to open the ESXi Remote Console:
• Click on the Console Image (Black Screen) to access the console in browser window.
• Click Launch Remote Console.
• Click Actions | Open Remote Console.
3. Click inside the console window and login using the NSv default credentials admin / password.
4. For the NSv, the WAN IP address can be configured statically or can be obtained dynamically. The below points represent both static and dynamic IP configuration. Any one of the following can be followed.
• To use a static IP address for the WAN, type the following sequence of commands to enable a static IP and management access on the X1 WAN interface. (The command prompt will change as entered or exit at different command levels. This command sequence shown below uses example IP address settings in the network, which should be replaced with the correct IP settings according to the environment.)
configure t
interface x1
ip-assignment WAN static
ip netmask
management https
management ping
management ssh
After entering commit, the console displays Applying changes and other status information, then displays the config prompt. Type exit to return to the admin command level prompt.
• To use DHCP for the WAN address, type the following sequence of commands to enable DHCP and management access on the X1 WAN interface.
configure t
interface x1
ip-assignment WAN dhcp
management https
management ping
management ssh
After entering commit, the console displays Applying changes and other status information, then displays the config prompt. After a few seconds, the assigned DHCP address is displayed. You can access the SonicOS web management interface at that address.
5. Use the show status command at the admin prompt to view the assigned IP address for the X1 (WAN) interface and other information.
Using the NSv Management Console:
1. Login to the vSphere or vCenter and select respective NSv instance in the left pane.
2. Do one of the following to open the ESXi Remote Console:
• Click on the Console Image (Black Screen) to access the console in browser window.
• Click Launch Remote Console.
• Click Actions | Open Remote Console.
3. Click inside the console window and login using the NSv default credentials admin / password.
4. Press Ctrl+s and then press the spacebar to toggle between the ESXi remote console and the NSv management console. (i.e., press the Ctrl key and ‘s’ key together, then release and press the spacebar.)
5. The main menu is displayed in the side menu (left pane). Use the up/down arrow keys to move the focus between menu items. As the focus shifts, the right pane displays the options and information for that menu item. The currently selected item is highlighted in black. Press the Tab key to move the focus from side menu to the main view (right pane), or vice versa.
6. In the Management Network screen, the network settings displayed in the white text are read-only except when the management console is in SafeMode. In SafeMode, you can configure these settings Management Interface, IPv4 Address, Netmask, Mac Address, IPv6 address, Gateway and DNS.
• After configuring an IP address and enabling management on the WAN (X1) interface, login to the NSv instance from a browser or ping the virtual appliance from a command prompt window or other applications are allowed.
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