How can I manually add users on Email Security?
03/26/2020 1,060 People found this article helpful 484,055 Views
How can I manually add users on Email Security?
If you want to add additional “users” which does not have an LDAP account or use the DHA feature for non-LDAP users, you can manually create users on Email security server.
The steps to create users manually are as follows:
· Login to Email security server with Admin credentials
· Go to Manage | System Setup | Users, Groups & Organizations | Users
· Select Global under Using Source
⦁ Click on ‘Add’ and type in the primary and secondary or alias (if required) email address in the boxes provided on that page. (If you have more than one alias separate aliases with a <CR>)
⦁ To save it, click on “Add”.
⦁ This will create a new user on the email security server.
· If you wish you add users in bulk, you can use the IMPORT tab.
· To add bulk users, you will have to create a file. (One may use Microsoft Excel to generate a user list and save it as a tab-delimited file) and use <TAB> delimiter between primary address and the alias and user <CR> to separate entries.
· If the user does not exist in LDAP, you must include an entry listing the primary address as the initial alias address in addition to any additional alias addresses
· If the user already exists in LDAP and you only add aliases manually
· Once the file is created, click Import and browse it to the file in the Users File field.
· The imported file can be appended to the existing names, or overwrite them. The format of the file is tab-delimited.
· The newly added user will get merged with the usermap.xml file on top of an hour.
NOTE: Users added in this way remain non-LDAP users. Their User Rights cannot be changed. Their source will be listed as Admin. Users can edit their Junk Box setting only if the administrator sets the Junk Box setting: Enable "Single Click" viewing of messages to Full Access under the Manage | Junk Box | Summary Notification.
NOTE: If the navigation or the screenshot looks different from the one mentioned above , you may be in an older firmware version and would require a firmware upgrade. Please refer the link below to upgrade the firmware to latest version.
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