How can I configure Web-Management settings using Command Line Interface on SonicOS 5.9 & above?
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In this article we will try to cover CLI commands related to Web-Management on the SonicWall UTM appliance in (5.9 & above) and (6.1 & above) firmware. You can login to your SonicWall using Putty or any other software which uses SSH 22 to connect. Also the SSH port in your SonicWall should be enabled to make the software connect to it.
Command to see Web Management Port used in SonicWall
- In this section we explained how to see the Web Management Port (HTTP & HTTPS) in SonicWall.
admin@0017C516EB30>show administration
firewall-name 0017C516EB30
no auto-append-suffix
admin-name admin
no password aging
no password uniqueness
no password enforce-4-character-difference
password minimum-length 1
no password complexity
password constraints-apply-to builtin-admin
password constraints-apply-to full-admin
password constraints-apply-to limited-admins
password constraints-apply-to local-users
idle-logout-time 60
no user-lockout
admin-preempt-action goto-non-config
admin-preempt-inactivity-timeout 10
no inter-admin-messaging
web-management allow-http
web-management http-port 80
web-management certificate use-self-signed
no web-management client-certificate-check
web-management cert-common-name
web-management default-table-size 50
web-management refresh-interval 10
no dashboard-as-starting-page
web-management tooltip form-delay 2000 button-delay 3000 text-delay 500
no override-SonicPoint-download
no override-sonicpointnv-download
no override-sonicpoint ndr-download
language-override english
gms-management ssl
no reporting-server
syslog-server-port 514
no heartbeat-status-only
no behind-Nat-device
web-management https-port 443
ssh port 22
Command to Enable / Disable Web Management Port in any Interface
In this section we explained how to enable/disable Web Management (HTTP & HTTPS) Port in X0 interface. You can use the same steps for other interfaces (like X1, X2, X3,.......)
- To Enable HTTP Port in X0 interface
admin@0017C516EB30> configure
config(0017C516EB30)# interface x0
(edit-interface[X0])# management http
(edit-interface[X0])# commit
% Applying changes...
% Changes made.
- To Enable HTTPS Port in X0 interface
admin@0017C516EB30> configure
config(0017C516EB30)# interface x0
(edit-interface[X0])# management https
(edit-interface[X0])# commit
% Applying changes...
% Changes made.
- To Disable HTTP Port in X0 interface
admin@0017C516EB30> configure
config(0017C516EB30)# interface x0
(edit-interface[X0])# no management http
(edit-interface[X0])# commit
% Applying changes...
% Changes made.
- >> To Disable HTTPS Port in X0 interface
admin@0017C516EB30> configure
config(0017C516EB30)# interface x0
(edit-interface[X0])# no management https
(edit-interface[X0])# commit
% Applying changes...
% Changes made.
Command to change the SonicWall Web Management Port to a Custom port
Command to Enable/Disable HTTP Web Management in SonicWall Globally
In this section we explained how to globally enable/disable HTTP Port in your SonicWall device.
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