Error: Index of the interface.: Portshield interfaces can not be assigned to L2 bridge
03/26/2020 15 People found this article helpful 486,833 Views
Error: Index of the interface.: Portshield interfaces can not be assigned to L2 bridge
Problem Definition:
In SonicWall, when bridging a WLAN interface with LAN (X0) interface there is an error message thrown stating "Error: Index of the interface.: Portshield interfaces can not be assigned to L2 bridge". This KB article shows how to get rid of this error message and configure the WLAN interface with LAN interface in Layer2 bridge mode.
Step 1: Login to the SonicWall Mangement GUI.
Step 2: Navigate to the Network> Interfaces page.
Step 3: Click on the Configure option of the WLAN interface. (In this scenario, W0 interface is the WLAN interface but other interfaces like X2, X3, X4, X5 and X6 can also be configured in WLAN zone)
Step 4: In the Interface W0' Settings window, choose Mode/IP Assignment as Layer 2Bridged Mode and Bridged to as X0.
Step 5: Click on OK option.
Step 6: There is an error message thrown by SonicWall.
Resolution or Workaround:
You can unassign the PortShield interfaces in two ways.
Method 1
Step 7: Go to Network > PortShield Groups > Select the appropriate PortShielded interfaces as shown in the screenshot and click Configure. Select Unassigned from the list for PortShield Interface, click OK.
Method 2
Step 8: In the Network> Interfaces page, there is an option called Show PortShield Interfaces on the right top.
Step 9: Click on Show PortShield Interfaces and there is a list of interfaces such as X2, X3, X4, X5 & X6 PortShield to X0 interface are displayed.
Step 10: Click on the Configure option of the X2 interface.
Step 11: In the Interface X2' Settings window, choose Zone as Unassigned and click on OK.
Step 12: Similarly Unassign other PortShield interfaces (X3, X4, X5 and X6) and repeat steps 3, 4 and 5.
Step 13: Layer 2 Bridging would be done successfully and the IP addresses on LAN (X0) and WLAN (W0) interfaces must be same as shown below.
Step 14: After Layer 2 Bridge between WLAN and LAN interfaces is done, when try to assign interfaces X2, X3, X4, X5 and X6 to PortShield to X0 there will be no choice to set the PortShield to in the Interface Xn' Settings Window. (n= 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6)
Note: In SonicOS Enhanced firmware's and above, PortShield and Layer 2 Bridge Mode features cannot be run simultaneously. Any one feature is possible at a time.
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