Creating a license subscription report using NSM
01/12/2024 0 People found this article helpful 296,681 Views
The report type we will be creating is designed to give a top level view of your firewalls license subscription expiration status within NSM
Creating the report
To begin we will need to log into NSM and navigate to Reports | Rules
To create a new report, click on the "+ Add" icon on the far right side of the screen.
The Create Schedule window will pop open and you will need to select Management and click "Next".
You can now Name the report, give it a Cover Title and select the "Subscriptions" Reports Option, then check the desired options for that report.
On this page you will have 3 options for adding devices to the report. You can select between Tenant, Group or Selectively select the firewalls
Once you are done selecting the firewalls for this report, click the "Next" button.
On this page you can select the run type, delivery interval, schedule time and day.
For The delivery type you can just save the report to NSM and you can also select to email the report.
Password protect and Custom logo options are also available as an option.
If you select the Email option you can select Administrator or AdhocUser. Add the email address give it an email Subject and add something in the Email Body if needed. Once finished, click the "Next" button
On this page you can verify your settings and click "Save".
Your new report has now been created and should now show up on the Reports | Rules page.
You can test the report by clicking the checkbox on the left then clicking the ACTION Icon On the right of the Report.
You can click "Generate Report Now" to test the report.
A Green Success message should populate the top of the screen letting you know it will start processing the report.
Once the "In Progress" status changes to "Success" the report is ready.
If you selected the email option, you should expect to see the report show up in the email account you chose when creating the report.
If you selected the "Save Report" option you can navigate to Reports | Saved Reports where you should be able to find your report there. It can be downloaded from that location.
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