Cleaning the Capture Client & Client Protection Service Folder from End Device
05/22/2024 57 People found this article helpful 482,335 Views
This article talks about deleting Capture Client & Client Protection Service Folder from End Device. At times it happens that your machine is not shown as part of plus Capture Client is not visible under Control Panel after Capture Client is Installed. When you are in such situation and you try to delete the "Client Protection Service" Folder C:\Program Files\SonicWall or "Capture Client" under C:\Program Files(x86)\SonicWall you get a Permission Denied Error. When you are hit with such scenario use the below steps to delete CPS & CC folder in Windows 7 & Windows 10 Machine.
The issue was resolved after the ownership of the following folders were changed to add full user permissions ("Everyone"), and then deleted:
1. C:\Program Files\Sonicwall\ Client Protection Service\
2. C:\Program Files (x86)\SonicWall\ Capture Client\
Changing Permission of Folder CC & CPS for Windows 7 (Below Demo is for CPS folder the same applies to CC Folder as well).
A) Right click the folder and choose "Properties" and the select the "Security Tab" and then click on Advanced Button:-
B) Once you are in Advanced Security Settings . Click on the "Owner" Tab and then Click on "Edit" Button:-
C) When you are on Advanced Security Settings . Click on "Others Users or Groups"
D) Add Object Name "Everyone" as below and then Click "OK".
E) Once you are in on Advanced Security Settings . Click "Everyone" and then Check the box "Replace Owners on Subcontainers and Objects". Click on "Apply".
F) You will get a Pop-up for "Windows Security". Click "OK". After that Click "OK" multiple times till you reach "Client Protection Service Properties" Page.
G) The below page shows that you are back to "Client Protection Service Properties". Click "EDIT" below "Group or User Names:"
H) Give "Full Control " to all the "Group & User Names" one by one by first selecting the individual "Group or User Names" and then clicking all the "Check Box" below "Allow" and then click Apply. Once you give "Full Control" to all the "Group and User Names". Click "OK" to return to "Client Protection Service Properties" Page.
I) Finally click "OK" when you back to "Client Protection Service Properties" Page.
J) Select the CPS folder do right click and choose "Delete" to get rid of the folder.
Changing Permission of Folder CC & CPC for Windows 10 (Below Demo is for CPS folder the same applies to CC Folder as well).
A) Right click the folder and choose "Properties" and the select the "Security Tab" and then click on Advanced Button:-
B) Once you are in Advanced Security Settings . Click on the Change:-
C) Add Object Name "Everyone" as below and then Click "OK".
D) Once you are in on Advanced Security Settings . Then Check the box "Replace Owners on Subcontainers and Objects" & "Replace All Child Object Permission Entries with Inheritable Permission Entries from this Object". Click on "Apply".
E) You will get a Pop-up for "Windows Security". Click "Yes". After that Click "OK" few times till you reach "Client Protection Service Properties" Page.
F) The below page shows that you are back to "Client Protection Service Properties". Click "EDIT" below "Group or User Names":
G) Give "Full Control " to all the "Group & User Names" one by one by first selecting the individual "Group or User Names" and then clicking all the "Check Box" below "Allow" and then click Apply. Once you give "Full Control" to all the "Group and User Names". Click "OK" to return to "Client Protection Service Properties" Page.
H) Finally click "OK" when you back to "Client Protection Service Properties" Page.
I) Select the CPS folder do right click and choose "Delete" to get rid of the folder.
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