SonicOS Host Header Redirection Vulnerability

First Published:10/13/2021 Last Updated:10/28/2021

What is the vulnerability?
A Host Header Redirection vulnerability in SonicOS potentially allows a remote attacker to redirect firewall management users to arbitrary web domains. The following SonicWall products are impacted by this non-critical vulnerability:

PlatformsImpacted Version
TZ, NSa (GEN7)7.0.1-R1262 and older
NSv (Virtual GEN7)7.0.1-R1283 and older
NSsp (GEN7)7.0.1-R579 and older
NSa, TZ, SOHO W, SuperMassive 92xx/94xx/96xx (GEN6+) and older
NSsp 12K, SuperMassive 98006.5.1.12 and older
SuperMassive 10K6.0.5.3-94o and older
NSv (Virtual: VMWare/Hyper-V/AWS/Azure/KVM)All versions (virtual)
NSA, TZ, SOHO (GEN5) and older

Has this vulnerability been exploited in the wild?
No. There’s no indication that this vulnerability has been exploited. 

What steps do SonicWall customers and partners need to take?
SonicWall has advised customers and partners to upgrade SonicOS firmware to the patched versions below. 

Platforms: NSa, TZ, NSsp (GEN7)
SonicOS Impacted VersionSonicOS Patch Release
(Update to version or later)
NSa, TZ: 7.0.1-R1262 and older7.0.1-R1456
NSsp: 7.0.1-R579 and older7.0.1-5018-R1715

Platforms: NSv (Virtual: GEN7)
SonicOS Impacted Version SonicOS Patch Release
(Update to version or later)
7.0.1-R1283 and older7.0.1-5023-1349

Platforms: NSa, TZ, SOHO W, SuperMassive 92xx/94xx/96xx (GEN6+)
SonicOS Impacted Version SonicOS Patch Release
(Update to version or later) and older6.5.4.8-89n

Platforms: NSsp 12K, SuperMassive 9800
SonicOS Impacted Version SonicOS Patch Release
(Update to version or later) and older6.5.1.13-1n

Platforms: SuperMassive 10k
SonicOS Impacted Version SonicOS Patch Release
(Update to version or later) and olderNo patches

Platforms: NSv
(Virtual: VMWare/Hyper-V/AWS/Azure/KVM)

SonicOS Impacted Version:SonicOS Patch Release
(Update to version or later)
All versions (virtual)6.5.4.v_21s-1288

Platforms: NSA, TZ, SOHO (GEN5)
SonicOS Impacted Version SonicOS Patch Release
(Update to version or later) and olderNo patches

Additional Resources: