Encrypted Threats

Gain visibility into encrypted traffic to stop hidden threats

Gain visibility and safeguard your network from encrypted threats with SonicWall Deep Packet Inspection of TLS, SSL and SSH (DPI-SSL), available as an add-on service on all SonicWall firewalls. DPI-SSL delivers deep protection against encrypted threats across a broad array of encryption protocols, and scalable SSL decryption and inspection performance without limitation.

Gain visibility into TLS/SSL encrypted traffic

  • Protect against threats hidden in encrypted traffic
  • Leverage SonicWall’s Real-Time Deep Memory Inspection and Reassembly-Free Deep Packet Inspection engines
  • Inspect TLS/SSL traffic when remote clients connect over the WAN to access LAN content
  • Scale SSL decryption and inspection performance without limitation

Block encrypted malware downloads

  • Stop encrypted malware before it enters your network
  • Scan a broad array of encryption protocols
  • Get advanced protection against the latest threats

Thwart C&C communication and data exfiltration

  • Block communications with command-and-control servers
  • Identify unauthorized transmission of privileged information to external systems
  • Prevent data leakage/exfiltration

Customize inclusion and exclusion lists for compliance or legal requirements

  • Create custom lists
  • Exclude trusted sources to optimize network performance
  • Target specific traffic for TLS/SSL inspection to conform to privacy and/or legal requirements